
There is a lot of information out there about the injectable fertility medications used to stimulate ovarian follicles to produce higher-than-normal numbers of mature eggs. The most common versions of these medications come in the form of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), with common pharmaceutical names...

When you create the embryos for your IVF cycles, all of the focus is on successful transfer and implantation. However, the team at the Fertility Center of Dallas likes to take a comprehensive approach to the IVF timeline – which includes planning what to do...

Cancer treatments of any kind can have a drastic effect on female fertility. In a recent study, as many as two-thirds of women who underwent chemotherapy stopped menstruating after treatment. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are hoping to start a family after...

The decision to use a surrogate comes more easily to some; for example, men who want to become fathers but need a gestational carrier to make that happen. For others, it is a more challenging decision because it means surrendering the dream of carrying their...

Rockwall Couples and Individuals Deserve a Place Where Innovation Meets Passion Couples and individuals who live and work in Rockwall, Texas deserve the support of an innovative, state-of-the-art fertility center. Miracles happen at the intersection of innovation and passion, resulting in impressive fertility treatment success...
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