It’s that time of year again, which can be one of the most stressful seasons for individuals and couples pursuing fertility treatments. The combination of an extra-busy calendar, a season that seems to focus on the “joy of children” (can you say “trigger?!?”), and the non-stop...

Once the connection was made between higher-stress rates and infertility rates, fertility experts around the nation spend more time counselling their patients to seek support with stress management. Part of this support comes through self-care practices that ensure your mind, body and spirit are nourished...

Best Fertility Doctor in Dallas: 2023 D Magazine Features Fertility Center of Dallas High fertility success rates are one part of being named one of the BEST INFERTILITY Doctors in Dallas but there is far more to it than that. Here at the Fertility Center of...

Individuals or couples interested in third-party reproduction have the option of using donor embryos. These embryos are lovingly donated by couples who use IVF and feel their family is complete. Rather than thaw and discard their embryos or donate them to science, these couples opt to...

Regular exercise should be a core component of anyone's healthy lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, weight, and anxiety. And if you've read any (good) infertility blogs, you've surely come across a post or two recommending exercise and the maintenance of a healthy weight...

IVF is becoming the first choice for women and couples interested in getting pregnant after a tubal ligation. Pregnancy via IVF after tubal ligation is absolutely possible, with fertility chances being the same as they would be for any woman of the same age and...

Genetic testing at various phases throughout conception and pregnancy increases your chances of experiencing a healthy, full-term birth. Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities are the leading causes of failed conception, miscarriage, and failed fertility treatments. The more information we have about your genetic information, and that of...

The typical IVF schedule mimics a 28-day menstrual cycle, so we can time everything as nature intended.


Folic acid is essential throughout pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. This key nutrient supports the growth of a healthy brain, spinal cord, and nervous system and prevents other potential birth defects. Providing a nourishing environment for a healthy baby is one of the reasons we...

The fertility treatment road almost always causes some level of stress and anxiety for patients. And, since most of them were already worried or anxious about infertility before they found us. That motivates us to help patients cope with emotional stress sooner - rather than later...

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