Regular exercise should be a core component of anyone's healthy lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, weight, and anxiety. And if you've read any (good) infertility blogs, you've surely come across a post or two recommending exercise and the maintenance of a healthy weight...

Folic acid is essential throughout pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. This key nutrient supports the growth of a healthy brain, spinal cord, and nervous system and prevents other potential birth defects. Providing a nourishing environment for a healthy baby is one of the reasons we...

The fertility treatment road almost always causes some level of stress and anxiety for patients. And, since most of them were already worried or anxious about infertility before they found us. That motivates us to help patients cope with emotional stress sooner - rather than later...

Some infertility diagnoses are fixed, and there is nothing you can do about them. However, increasing sperm quality to include count and motility may be in your control. Therefore, we encourage all couples trying to get pregnant to “prepare their bodies for pregnancy,” mainly through...

We know that you have choices when choosing a fertility clinic. FCD offers award winning comprehensive care that will help you reach your goal of a successful pregnancy.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is used for several different infertility issues. The process places sperm directly into the woman’s uterus, giving the sperm a better chance at meeting a mature egg – and increasing a couple’s chance of conceiving.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is often the first step in fertility treatments and is increasingly popular for single women, and/or LGBTQ+ individuals, to conceive a baby of their own.


Ovulation is the cornerstone of female fertility and, before technological innovations, our clients faithfully tracked their menstrual cycles and symptoms on a calendar. Once we had several months’ worth of data, we could begin to predict their ovulation cycle, note irregularities, and get specific information...

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the most common fertility treatments for women or couples. It’s used when mild male infertility factors, PCOS, or mild endometriosis impedes conception at home. IUI is also an intelligent first fertility treatment step for women with cervix or cervical mucous...

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