
In the past 10 to 15 years, fertility specialists have become even more aware of what a “whole body system” the body is for each of our patients. We simply cannot look at the reproductive system on its own. Instead, we have to view it in...

Many people dream of having a baby of their own but with over 5 million Americans struggling each year with infertility issues, conception and a successful pregnancy may be difficult to achieve. Most understand that illegal drugs and alcohol use as well as smoking will increase...

The Fertility Center of Dallas is both pleased and proud to announce our designation as an Aetna Institute of Excellence. Enhanced Fertility Care with Aetna Institute of Excellence Designation It is not easy to be designated by Aetna of an Institute of Excellence. It is their highest...

If you’re in the midst of your fertility journey, there’s a good chance that the word romantic isn’t necessarily an adjective used to describe your emotional state. This query from a sex column in The Guardian sums up the sentiments we’ve heard from so many...

The holidays are such a tricky thing to navigate for the infertility community. What feels like a steady stream of fun parties and gatherings with friends and family can feel like a series of emotional traps of landmines instead. Take Good Care of Yourself Over the...

There is a lot of information out there about the injectable fertility medications used to stimulate ovarian follicles to produce higher-than-normal numbers of mature eggs. The most common versions of these medications come in the form of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), with common pharmaceutical names...

When you create the embryos for your IVF cycles, all of the focus is on successful transfer and implantation. However, the team at the Fertility Center of Dallas likes to take a comprehensive approach to the IVF timeline - which includes planning what to do...

The frustrating news: After finding the right fertility center and undergoing all of that testing, the diagnosis is “unexplained infertility.” Ugh! You wanted concrete answers and solutions! The good news: This is by no means the end of the road. Having unexplained infertility simply means the...

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG), is a fairly standard part of the infertility testing protocol. The test allows doctors to view the interior walls of your fallopian tubes and uterus, specifically looking for blockages or irregular shapes/contours that prevent conception or cause miscarriages. How Does an HSG Work? HSGs...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJnySdgy35U The Moore Family Story of their journey to completing their family. Fertility Center of Dallas was honored to be a part of the beautiful family's story....

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