IVF after Tubal Ligation

pregnant woman via ivf after tubal ligation

IVF after Tubal Ligation

IVF is becoming the first choice for women and couples interested in getting pregnant after a tubal ligation. Pregnancy via IVF after tubal ligation is absolutely possible, with fertility chances being the same as they would be for any woman of the same age and reproductive history.

FAQs About Tubal Ligation & IVF

Whether you’re on the fence about whether or not to proceed with a tubal ligation or you’ve had a tubal ligation and are ready to expand your family, we have answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

1. Can I get IVF after a tubal ligation?

Yes. IVF cycles are possible after a tubal ligation because we can retrieve eggs from the ovaries without reversing the process. Like any other patient, you’ll participate in IVF, using injectable fertility medication to stimulate multiple egg maturation. When the eggs mature enough, we remove the eggs from the ovaries without operating.

Once we retrieve the eggs, you can use them for a fresh IVF cycle OR freeze the resulting embryos for use later on.

2. What are my chances of IVF success after my tubes are tied?

Your IVF chances are the same after a tubal ligation as those for any woman your age with a similar medical and reproductive history.

Because women with tubal ligations have experienced previous pregnancies without fertility treatments, their IVF chances are often slightly higher than patients who pursue IVF as a treatment for a diagnosed infertility factor.

Factors that affect IVF success rates include things like:

  • Maternal age
  • Previous reproductive history
  • Existing infertility factors
  • A new partner’s (in)fertility (if you’re pursuing IVF with a new partner, he must have a complete infertility workup to ensure his sperm are viable).

We treat every patient, including women who’ve been pregnant in the past or have a tubal ligation, like a new patient – completing a full fertility evaluation before moving forward with treatment options.

3. Does health insurance cover IVF?

Insurance companies are continually expanding benefits regarding infertility testing and fertility treatments. However, most insurance companies do not cover IVF procedures for women who’ve had tubal ligation.

Your first step is to contact your insurance carrier to better understand coverage around fertility treatments. Also, most fertility specialists offer affordable financing options to help people like you better afford the treatments they need to grow their families.

4. Should I get a tubal ligation?

While tubal ligations are technically reversible, they should still be considered permanent for several reasons. First, only about 50% to 80% of women who reverse them can get pregnant by timing conception at home if they change their minds and reverse the procedure later on.

These statistics may seem relatively high but remember that reversing a tubal ligation is an invasive procedure (full surgery), so it’s always best to choose less invasive forms of birth control if there’s any chance you may want another baby in the future.

5. Should I freeze eggs before having a tubal ligation?

Freezing and storing eggs (fertility preservation) is an option. However, age plays a significant factor in egg viability. Normally, we wouldn’t recommend doing this if you are 36 years old or older as you may be paying to freeze and store compromised eggs. Also, freezing and storing eggs can be costly, so it might be better to opt for alternative birth control methods before moving forward if you aren’t 100% sure you don’t want more children.

Remember that freezing eggs still requires IVF treatments to get pregnant. It’s important to weigh the cost benefits of freezing/storing eggs and IVF vs. skipping freezing/storing and pursuing IVF if you decide to get pregnant again – always keeping maternal age in mind.

6. Can I become a gestational carrier?

Yes! Having a tubal ligation procedure leaves your uterus intact and are candidates for becoming a gestational carrier for a friend, relative, or for others who need a gestational carrier or surrogate to make their family-building dreams come true.

Ask the Fertility Center of Dallas About IVF After Tubal Ligation

Contact the Fertility Center of Dallas. We’re here to help you choose the best path for conceiving your baby. Give us a call at 214-823-2692 or schedule a consultation to share your story and learn more about the options.

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