
While it’s true women are born with a set quantity of eggs, egg quality is dependent on other factors. This means there are things most women can do to improve egg quality. 7 Ways to Optimize Egg Quality Things like chromosomal or genetic abnormalities are unavoidable and...

Most people are familiar with the fertility basics, but few truly understand how complicated it is to get pregnant. There are so many factors involved, including both partners' health and lifestyle choices. This makes for plenty of fertility myths, which we like to counter by shedding...

Are you on the fence about whether to freeze your eggs? We recommend connecting with a fertility center ASAP to learn more about whether it’s the right move for you. You can also read our post, Egg Freezing: Am I a Candidate? 5 Baby-Blocking Myths About...

Fertility medications are used to hyper-stimulate the ovaries so they produce more mature eggs than they usually would. There are two different types of fertility medications: oral and injectable. Oral meds are a weaker version of the two. So, while they still cause side effects...

The media abounds with “pop-up” pregnancies. From our favorite TV shows and movies to the covers of our favorite magazines, it seems like just about anyone can get pregnant whenever they want. As fertility specialists, we know that’s not always the case, and we want to...

Employers and health insurance companies have come a long way when it comes to providing fertility treatment coverage. That said, there is still much they can do to make family-building more financially equitable for all. 5 Steps to Learn More About Your Fertility Coverage Fertility testing and...

Ovulation is the cornerstone of female fertility and, before technological innovations, our clients faithfully tracked their menstrual cycles and symptoms on a calendar. Once we had several months’ worth of data, we could begin to predict their ovulation cycle, note irregularities, and get specific information...

In 30-40 percent of all fertility cases, male infertility is the underlying cause. If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, it’s important that both of you get a thorough evaluation. Yet many men are still uncomfortable and fearful of the process. Initial Evaluation The initial...

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the most common fertility treatments for women or couples. It’s used when mild male infertility factors, PCOS, or mild endometriosis impedes conception at home. IUI is also an intelligent first fertility treatment step for women with cervix or cervical mucous...

Did you know acupuncture is a proven way to optimize your fertility health? We recommend individuals and couples speak to their fertility specialists to identify whether acupuncture should be considered part of their integrative fertility care plan. Both the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and...

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