
There is almost no greater emotional devastation than the death of a baby. Whether it is a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or the result of a genetic disorder or medical complication, parents are left stunned and bereft. While far less common than they used to be,...

After decades of diagnosing and treating infertility, the specialists, nurses, and staff at Fertility Center of Dallas witness the toll the fertility treatment rollercoaster takes on individuals and couples. What begins as an exciting adventure (Let’s get pregnant!), turns into the reality of an infertility...

When you’re facing difficulty becoming pregnant, your most important decision is placing your trust and hopes in the most experienced, highly skilled, and successful fertility team. At the Fertility Center of Dallas, patients arrive from all over the world to become a part of innovative...

We typically diagnose diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) during infertility testing. However, we’re noticing an uptick of young women coming to our practice after learning they have DOR through proactive AMH fertility testing. Egg stores and fertility rates diminish naturally with age, so virtually every woman over...

While it’s true women are born with a set quantity of eggs, egg quality is dependent on other factors. This means there are things most women can do to improve egg quality. 7 Ways to Optimize Egg Quality Things like chromosomal or genetic abnormalities are unavoidable and...

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is used for several different infertility issues. The process places sperm directly into the woman’s uterus, giving the sperm a better chance at meeting a mature egg – and increasing a couple’s chance of conceiving.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is often the first step in fertility treatments and is increasingly popular for single women, and/or LGBTQ+ individuals, to conceive a baby of their own.


Fertility medications are used to hyper-stimulate the ovaries so they produce more mature eggs than they usually would. There are two different types of fertility medications: oral and injectable. Oral meds are a weaker version of the two. So, while they still cause side effects...

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