Diagnostic Testing

An accurate diagnosis simply isn’t possible without the necessary tests and results. The information we glean from the following tests is instrumental in choosing a personalized fertility plan that gets right to the heart of the matter. The more we know about every single aspect of your fertility history and current health, the better able we are to select fertility medications and/or treatments that result in successful fertility outcomes, as soon as possible.

Our fertility tests include:

Endocrine Studies

During your fertility evaluation, it may be necessary to obtain blood samples and test for evidence of any hormone abnormalities.

Follicle Growth Series

The Follicle Growth Series evaluation is designed to follow the growth and maturation of an ovum (egg) in the ovary.

Semen Analysis

In an estimated 40 percent of all couples experiencing fertility problems, some abnormality in the male partner is present, making semen analysis an essential step in evaluation

Post-Coital Test

This test is designed to evaluate factors that influence the sperm’s ability to travel up through the cervix (or mouth of the uterus).


This test is designed to evaluate the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes using contrast material (dye) that appears white on an X-ray.


This procedure evaluates the inside cavity of the uterus, the endometrial cavity. The endometrial cavity is lined by hormonally active cells that provide the perfect environment for the human embryo to implant and grow into a fetus.

Male Fertility Factor Analysis

Many factors can contribute to male infertility, including low sperm production, blockages in the sperm conducting system, antibodies against sperm, injury to the testes, hormonal problems, poor descent of the testes, and varicocele.

Endometrial Biopsy

This test is designed to evaluate whether the lining of the uterus (endometrium) has been properly stimulated hormonally to allow a fertilized egg to implant and grow into a pregnancy.

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows for a complete examination and evaluation of a woman’s pelvic and abdominal structures.

Immunological Testing and Therapy

The immune system of the body detects and attacks things that are different (non-self). Research in this area has led to a greater understanding of pregnancy losses that were previously classified as unexplained.

Immunobead Binding

It has been shown that some women as well as men may have substances in their systems that can attach to sperm and immobilize or even kill them

Preconception Genetic Testing

The major cause of an early miscarriage is probably a genetic (inherited) factor. An estimated 50 to 60 percent of all first trimester miscarriages of a single fetus (not twins or more) show evidence of genetic defects.

The more accurate your diagnosis is, particularly if you’re dealing with multiple infertility factors, the sooner you’ll be able to get the fertility treatment(s) you need.

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